Welcome to the Potsdam Museum

Jugendgruppe vor dem Eingang des Potsdam Museums
© PM

The Potsdam Museum is a museum of the city's history. Potsdam has a very diverse and gripping history. 

Our permanent exhibition on the history of the city of Potsdam is suitable for English-speaking visitors.
Please find here further information.

We look forward to your visit. 

DI-SO noon-6pm
Also open on public holidays. Closed: 24.12., 31.12.2024 and 01.01.2025


Am Alten Markt 9
14467 Potsdam

  • Rampe Rampe
  • Barrierefreier Aufzug Barrierefreier Aufzug
  • Barrierefreies WC Barrierefreies WC